It seems almost inevitable at this time of year to list the things for which we would give thanks. I give thanks to God for some much needed rest this weekend - time spent with our family, as well as, spending some time continuing the task of organizing ourselves in our new home. I'm thankful for our health, our home, the food we can afford to put on our table and the opportunity to be in ministry with the good folks of Christ Church here in Erie. There are many things I'm thankful for - too many to list here, if I really spent some time listing them out in any detail.
One of the things I most like about Thanksgiving - besides the food of course - is the time to slow down, sit still, relax and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Let me go on record as saying I do not generally enjoy parades at all. And the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is not the most spectacular parade. However, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a treasured tradition from my childhood, and honestly, it would seem a little less like Thanksgiving if I didn't watch a goodly portion of it.
One of the things I most like about Thanksgiving - besides the food of course - is the time to slow down, sit still, relax and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Let me go on record as saying I do not generally enjoy parades at all. And the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is not the most spectacular parade. However, the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is a treasured tradition from my childhood, and honestly, it would seem a little less like Thanksgiving if I didn't watch a goodly portion of it.
When I was a child, we slept in since we had no school, but my mother would always rouse us by 9:00 a.m. to watch the start of the parade on television. I remember anxiously watching for the balloons - Underdog, Popeye, Bullwinkle & Rocky the Flying Squirrel - among others, but those were always my favorites. I love watching and singing along to the Broadway musical songs that various groups would perform - some of them the actors from Broadway. And what would the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade be without the Radio City Hall Rockettes! Perfectly manicured, long-legged dancers who synchronize their movements with mesmerizing perfection! And for the grand finale, ending the parade and beginning the Christmas Season - Santa Clause! Wow - you can't get better than all that!
I can remember in the first few years of our marriage, I insisted on watching the parade. And if I would leave the room for any reason, Steve would often change the channel. When I came back into the room, I'd ask him, "Where's the parade?" His answer was often something like this - you weren't in the room, and it's only a parade. Only a parade! It's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! Just a parade - I don't think so!
I don't know what it is - but I love the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. And every year when I watch it, I go back a little in time each year, to when I was a child, sleepily emerging from my warm covers to the smell of turkey baking in the oven, our whole family gathered together at home, cuddled on the couch under one of the many afghans my mother crocheted, waiting for Santa Clause to appear in his magical sleigh. Maybe by watching it now, maybe life seems a little simpler for a few hours and all is right with the world.
I hope your Thanksgiving conjures up memories of simpler times and for a day or two, maybe, just maybe, you can enjoy simple living of being with your family, enjoying each other's company, good food and the abundance of God.
By God's Grace,
In case you missed the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, here are some highlighhts that you probably didn't see....Enjoy!
Don't miss this one:
Thanks, Roger. Here are some other sites to fill you in on all those bits of trivia of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - for instance, did you know that at one time, the balloons were released to float for days and when they came down, whoever found it could turn it in to Macy's for a prize -- or that the Macy's employees began the Parade and were the handlers for the balloons in the early years of the parade. You can read more here.... here....'s_Thanksgiving_Day_Parade
Hello Pastor,
This is Anand Richard your guest from India for the past few weeks. I just wanted to tell you how blessed I am to have found Christ United Methodist Church. Let me tell you that your blog is simply amazing! I have asked my wife in India to check it out. I would like to become a member of Christ United as soon as my family joins me in April next year. I will be spending Christimas with a very old friend of mine in Raleigh North Carolina(we went to school together in India and used to walk 5 miles together to school!). I will be sorry to miss Christmas with all of you at Christ United. I want to thank you for the warm welcome given me by your Church, all the friendly members and their wonderful smiles and wishes. Keep blogging and let me tell you that in my 14 odd years of life in American Church going I have never come across a Pastor as yourself. I am truly blessed.
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