Sunday, January 27, 2008


I wish I had some profound reason for not having written much lately - but I don't. I could say I have been busy - which I have been. I could say it's because I've been sick - which I have been, sick enough to simply stay at home for 2 days this past week - nasty virus that's going around these days.

But perhaps the main reason I haven't written is that nothing has stirred within my heart to "blog about." I just haven't had much to say here lately. Which is AMAZING to those who know me. According to my mother, I began speaking very early and very clearly. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am RARELY at a loss for words. And anyone who knows any preacher, talking and words are not usually a challenge. But there has no topic that has burned within me of which I felt a need to share.

So, why am I writing now? I don't have any burning issue to share - no deep insight about which to pontificate. I often read many of the blogs that appear as a link on this page - many of them friends and colleagues. I am often impressed, challenged and inspired by what they write. Some write sporadically others write religiously.

When I first knew that I would be a part of the "blogging world," I made a commitment to blog at least once a week. But let's just say that hasn't happened like I originally planned. Sometimes it's because I've been too busy, sometimes because I've just put it off, but this time, I've simply had nothing to say. So it's led me to reflect a little in my life about those times in when we feel dry - nothing inspires us, nothing sparks our imagination, nothing burns within us to share with others.

Maybe it's a little like writer's block. Writer's sometimes struggle through dry spells, when they cannot begin or continue writing. There are several theories to writer's block. One theory says that writer's block is closely related to depression and anxiety. Another theory says that writer's block is due to the lack of ability to concentrate on or devote time to their writing. Yet another theory says that writer's block is part of the natural ebb and flow in the creative process.

That being said, I can honestly say that I am not depressed nor anxious. I am recuperating from the normal wear and tear of Christmas, settling back into a more regular routine and the last week or so 10 days of fighting a virus, and has left me all a bit drained - but not depressed or anxious. Maybe it's part of the natural ebb and flow of the creative process of writing, but as I reflect on the whole thing, I have to say that fundamentally I do not always have or create the time to concentrate on writing.

So, I'm thinking about where I need some space in my life for the creative juices to flow. Yes, there are always things to do, the work is never finished, there's always a need to be met, but before I can possibly imagine meeting all the demands of my days, maybe I ought to carve out some "down time," some space where I engage in some things that simply spark my creative juices, so that as I engage with the rest of my daily routine, I can meet the challenges with the spark of God's reflective creativity within me.

Just some thoughts - how about you? What do you need to break those dry spells in your life? What do you neglect that you know will feed your soul? How do you discipline your life to include reflective, creative time? Where do you struggle to order your life?

Just some thoughts - hope they make your think.

By God's Grace,


Greg Cox said...

I think that most people in these blogs write "irreligiously" but whose keeping track.

HOpe you feel better soon.

smkyqtzxtl said...

I have been looking for sabbath spaces, the space I live/work in is pretty dry so I grab any chance to refill at an oasis. Sometimes reading other peoples blogs is a quick drink at the oasis for me. I am reading Madeleine L'Engles The Irrational Season right now. I highly reccommend it. You can pick it up, put it down, stop, start andy where you wish. Each chapter is a diferent topic. Several are lenten and inspiring.

Unknown said...

Hello Michelle,

Most of the time, I write of something that just "happened" in my life. My parishioners will email me with words of thanks for sharing "real-life" stories that they can relate to.

Keepin' it real,

I pray you are well. I miss our good talks!